Resolving Concerns and Complaints

The University of Chicago is committed to ensuring that our programs and services are accessible. We strive to provide effective disability accommodations and services so that students will be afforded an equitable opportunity in all aspects of student life.

The University complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which affords protection for discrimination for otherwise qualified students with disabilities.

Please bring disability-related concerns to the attention of Student Disability Services (SDS) or University officials immediately so that the matter can be addressed in a timely manner. If you attempt to resolve your concern using informal procedures, you may opt to use the formal procedure at any time.

Grievance Procedures

  • Review of an accommodation determination or eligibility for disability services: Meet with the Director of Student Disability Services to discuss your concerns. The Director will follow up in writing within seven business days of the meeting. If you seek further resolution, you may request a review from the Associate Provost for Equal Opportunity Programs within ten days of the date of the written response from the Director.
  • Concerns about classroom accommodations, disparate or disparaging treatment related to disability, or access issues on campus should be addressed with the SDS Director, the College or Graduate/Professional Division Dean of Students, the instructor, or staff person as soon as the issue arises.
  • Concerns about the decisions or actions of an SDS staff member should be addressed with the SDS Director. If the concern involves decisions or actions by the Director or Faculty, contact the Associate Provost for Equal Opportunity Programs.

Reporting Discrimination

Discrimination and discriminatory harassment, including sexual misconduct, may violate the law, does violate the standards of our community, and is unacceptable at the University of Chicago. To raise concerns or to file a complaint, submit the Report an incident online or visit Equal Opportunity Programs Get Help page. If you are unsure of where to turn for help, or if you have questions, please contact the office for Equal Opportunity Programs at or 773-834-6367.

Bridget Collier
Associate Provost for Equal Opportunity Programs

Title IX Coordinator for the University
Affirmative Action Officer
Section 504/ADA Coordinator

Scott Velasquez
Executive Director, Office for Equal Opportunity & Access

Deputy Title IX Coordinator

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