Course Flexibility-Students
A subset of students with disabilities need deadline extensions and attendance flexibility as a reasonable accommodation. If a course has attendance requirements, attendance flexibility means allowing disability-related absences without penalty and making adjustments for participation in alternative ways, when reasonable. Deadline flexibility involves allowing more time to submit class assignments. A student may be approved for one, or all of these accommodations, depending on the nature, severity, and chronicity of the condition. Students are not required to see a doctor to address each episode and instructors should consider the notice from SDS as sufficient to document the cause of the absence or need for a deadline extension. The use of these accommodations is not applied retroactively.
Attendance Requirements
The accommodation of flexibility with class attendance requirements is approved for students whose disability may cause them to miss class.
In determining the number of absences that can be extended for disability-related reasons, Instructors are asked by SDS to take into consideration how a student’s absence will impact their ability to participate fully in the course and the effect that absences will have on the learning outcomes for the student and classmates. The use of flexibility with attendance requirements should not alter the course objectives or essential requirements. By completing the Attendance Flexibility and Deadline Extension Accommodation Agreement Form, the Instructor will establish the number of absences that are reasonable and expectations for how the student must communicate with the instructor when an absence for a disability-related reason is necessary. SDS reviews each agreement for students in the College and will contact the instructor with any questions before sending the agreement to the student for use during the quarter. Graduate students should consult with the instructor and/or disability liaison.
College students should meet with the instructor and the SDS staff or their adviser if they have exceeded the number of absences allowed in the course. Graduate students should consult with the instructor and/or disability liaison.
Deadline Extensions
The accommodation of deadline extensions for assignments is approved for students whose disability affects their ability to submit work by the assigned deadline. By completing the deadline extension section of the Attendance Flexibility and Deadline Extension Accommodation Agreement Form, the Instructor will specify which assignments may be eligible for deadline extensions based on the learning objectives of the course. The agreement should specify the amount of extended time allowed or the reason that deadline extensions are not reasonable, when applicable. Instructors are encouraged to contact SDS with any questions about the agreement. SDS reviews each agreement for students in the College and will contact the instructor with any questions before sending the agreement to the student for use during the quarter. Graduate students should consult with the instructor and/or disability liaison.
Make-Up Quizzes and Exams
The accommodation of make-up quizzes and exams is approved for students whose disability may result in the need to take the quiz/exam at an alternative time or day. A student with this accommodation must have the opportunity to either take the same exam or a make-up exam or quiz that is a similar format and difficulty. By completing the make-up quizzes/exams section of the Attendance Flexibility and Deadline Extension Accommodation Agreement Form, the instructor will outline the expectations for the student to make-up the missed assessment. Instructors are encouraged to contact SDS with any questions about the agreement. SDS reviews each agreement for students in the College and will contact the instructor with any questions before sending the agreement to the student for use during the quarter. Graduate students should consult with the instructor and/or disability liaison.
Flexibility with Participation
The accommodation of flexibility with participation is approved for students whose disability may impact their ability to participate in the classroom environment.
To determine how or what flexibility with participation is applicable for the course instructors should consider how a student’s ability to participate fully in the course and the effect that participation will have on the learning outcomes for the student and classmates. The use of flexibility with participation should not alter the essential format and functions of a course. Questions to consider:
- Is there significant interaction between the instructor and students during the class meeting (e.g., presentations, discussion, interactive experiences, problem solving)?
- Is there significant classroom interaction among students during the class session (e.g., peer review, teamwork, group discussion)?
- Is there a fundamental learning objective that relies on active student participation during the class meeting (e.g., lab experiments, paired language learning, performance work, clinical placement rotations).
Is the ability to participate (e.g., presenting, engaging in discussion, teamwork) used as an assessment measure for the course?
By completing the Course Flexibility Accommodation Agreement Form, the instructor will establish the expectations for participation in the course and possible options as applicable for alternative participation in the course. SDS reviews each agreement for students in the College and will contact the instructor with any questions before sending the agreement to the student for use during the quarter. Graduate students should consult with the instructor and/or disability liaison.
Assessing Accommodation Requests for Attendance Flexibility and Deadline Extensions
SDS has created a Guide to Assessing Accommodation Requests for Attendance Flexibility and Deadline Extensions (PDF).
For undergraduate students in the College: The College Student Attendance and Flexibility Accommodation Agreement Form for use between a student and instructor is also available to formalize arrangements for the use of attendance flexibility and/or deadline extensions.
For graduate students: Please use the Graduate Student Attendance and Flexibility Accommodation Agreement Form (PDF).
Graduate students requesting to use this accommodation should follow the procedure outlined by their division or consult with their disability liaison.