Computer Based Testing (CBT)

SDS is no longer offering paper-based exam accommodations, except for a few exceptions. All students with testing accommodations that will be proctored by SDS must be prepared to participate in computer-based testing (CBT). In order to prepare for this transition, students must take the following 3 steps:

1. Submit the Instructor Notification Letter in AIM and select the needed testing accommodations per course.
2. Enter all exam dates from your syllabi into the AIM student portal ASAP or no later than Week 2. Let us know if you have trouble doing so.
3. Schedule a 15 minute CBT practice session with SDS Proctoring staff at least 1 week prior to your first exam. We want to be sure you’re comfortable with the new technology before your exam. Sign up for a session here: 


Understanding Canvas 

To utilize CBT through SDS, you will need to utilize your canvas account. All CBT will be either a Canvas Quiz or a Canvas Annotation Assignment. For more information on how to use Canvas for quizzes, watch the video below. 


Testing Overview


  • Students complete a check-in process with Proctor 1 outside the exam room; proctor verifies student’s identification approved accommodations and confirm the start/end time
  • Student enters the testing room, student gives Proctor 2 their student information sheet to receive their assigned seat, a Microsoft Surface Pro device, a stylus pen, login instructions

Accessing the Exam

  • Students log in to their Canvas account using a two factor authentication
  • Students select the course and locate the exam in quizzes; instructor should provide the student and SDS with the exam name within 24 hours prior to the exam
  •  Students enter access code and start the exam at the official start time; access code will only work for the duration of the scheduled exam time; access codes are disabled by SDS after the completion of each testing session that the exam is administered

During Testing

  • The proctor will monitor students’ time; proctor will notify the student when it is time to stop the exam
  • All communication between the proctor and the instructor would take place via

Submitting the Exam

  • Students submit the exam by clicking submit; if there are issues with uploading, the student will notify the proctor, the proctor will assist the student with uploading. Uploading/submitting the exam is not counted against their accommodation time


  • Students complete a check-in process with Proctor 1 outside the exam room; proctor verifies student’s identification approved accommodations and confirm the start/end time
  • Upon entering the exam room, students will give Proctor 2 their student information sheet to receive their assigned seat, a Microsoft Surface Pro device, a stylus pen, login instructions, and a guide sheet on annotating using the stylus pen

Accessing the Exam

  •  Students log in to their Canvas account using two factor authentication
  •  Students select the course and locate the exam in quizzes
  •  Students enter access code and start the exam at the official start time; access code will only work for the duration of the scheduled exam time; access codes are disabled by SDS after the completion of each testing session that the exam is administered

During Testing

  • Proctors will monitor each students’ time and the exam room; breaks during the exam will be noted (e.g., quantity, stop/start times) and monitored by the proctor.
  • Student submits the exam; the exam automatically submits once the allotted time has expired  

Submitting the Exam

  •  Students submit the exam by clicking the submit button; if there are issues with uploading additional documents, SDS will scan and upload documents to UChicago Box within 48 hours of the exam. Uploading additional documents does not count against exam time
  •  The exam access code and additional documents (scratch paper) are collected once the student has completed the exam; the access code is disabled once student has completed
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